Having sexual intercourse in the shower is possible if you know how to get in the right position. For example, you can lean back against the shower wall while your partner leans forward.

Different Sexual Positions in the Shower
Different Sexual Positions in the Shower

Or you can have sex while your partner lies down in front of you. There are many different sexual positions you can engage in while you’re in the shower.

Lean back against the shower wall

One of the safest sexual positions in the shower is to lean back against the shower wall. This position makes it easier for one partner to reach out and play with the clitoris and nipples of the other. It also allows for anal penetration.

If you don’t have a large bathroom, you can still engage in sexual positions in the shower. However, you should be cautious about water getting in your eyes or slipping. In addition, make sure that there are no bare surfaces or handles in the shower. If water gets into your eyes, you might fall and get hurt.

Another excellent sexual position in the shower is the standing position. This position allows you to achieve deep penetration and serious G-spot stimulation. It works best when your partner is about the same height as you.

Lean forward while your partner stands in front of you

While showering, there are many ways to engage in physical contact with your partner. One of the safest positions is straddling, where one person leans forward while the other leans back against the shower wall or tub edge. This position is also effective for providing a stimulating twist to showering, as the warm water can feel great on the back.

You can also use seat-shelves to shower while your partner stands in front of you. If the shower has a bench seat, lean forward while your partner stands in front of you. This position is easiest when your partner enters from the front.

Penis-in-vagina sex in the shower

The shower is a great place to practice penis-in-vagina sex. You and your partner can sit comfortably in the shower with one partner leaning against the shower wall. This allows you to reach around your partner’s nipples and clitoris while penetrating vaginally. This is also an ideal position for anal penetration.

It is best to urinate after penis-in-vagina sex to minimize the risk of infection. If you don’t use a condom, you can let the excess semen drain before cleaning the vulva with soap and water. This will remove excess semen and bacteria. It is important to clean the vulva from front to back.

Reverse tub sitter position

The reverse tub sitter position in the shower is a fun way to have sex with your partner. It’s an ideal position for couples who don’t have a lot of space. It also allows for easier penetration and kissing. In fact, kissing during sex has been proven to increase pleasure. A study in 2018 found that women who kissed during sex experienced more orgasms.

To achieve this position, the person needs to be seated in the center of a chair or a stools, then reverse to exit the tub. Alternatively, an adjustable leg bench can be placed outside the shower/tub combo. This option allows a companion to help a person outside the wet area.