If you’ve ever wondered what a sexual cult is, read on. These organizations are not only harmful to their followers, but to the society as a whole. There are many ways to spot a sexual cult. You can look up information on them online. Here are a few examples of cults.

Examples of Sexual Cults
Examples of Sexual Cults

Children of the Cult

A five-part documentary series on Discovery+ details the life of Berg, founder of the Children of the Sexual Cult, which is also known as The Family International. Berg was born into a Christian family and was trained to be ashamed of sex. He rebelled against this upbringing with his “free-love-with-kids” creed. The documentary also shows the deranged behavior of Berg, including raping and sexual abuse of children.

Jones, who left the Children of God when she was just 23 years old, has never forgotten her time in the cult. She has little formal education, but has lived in six different countries and speaks three languages. Jones goes on to get a full scholarship to Georgetown University and eventually attend law school at U.C. Berkeley. She remembers her happy moments with her friends and triumphs over difficult chores, but also her dark and twisted experiences with Berg.

The cult’s abuse of children was documented in a report published in 1994. Witnesses testified that child rape was a common practice among members and led to numerous pregnancies in the commune. One 14-year-old runaway told investigators that she was raped because she refused to cooperate with the elders. She was later placed in solitary confinement. The children of God have been linked to many celebrities, including Rose McGowan.

Often, children who join a cult describe abuse in terms of rituals and religious rites. Such abuses can be severe and involve threats of physical harm and blood transfusions.


Jelqing, or ‘erectile stretching’, is an activity that many people are obsessed with. This technique claims to give men a larger penis and improve erectile dysfunction. The technique is simple: men position themselves with their fingers at the base of the penis. They then stretch the penis by pulling down from the base to the head.

While the practice has its origins in the Middle East, it has been popularized in the modern internet age. It’s practiced by young men who want to add length and girth to their penis. According to Dr. Seth Cohen, director of male and female sexual dysfunction at NYU Langone Medical Center, jelqing is a growing trend.

Jelqing does not offer pleasure, but it is believed to make the penis larger and make a man last longer. It involves stretching the skin upwards without causing orgasm. Some men describe regimens as militaristic and hard work, even requiring a vitamin regimen. While the benefits of a larger penis are undeniable, jelqing has also been linked to serious problems, including damaged nerves, decreased sensation, and erectile dysfunction.

Jelqing involves massaging the penis and stretching its skin and tissues. This causes tiny tears in the penile tissue, which heal as the penile tissue expands. This is similar to the method used by weight lifters to build larger muscles. However, the penis is not a traditional muscle. It is made up of a smooth muscle and responds differently to different stimulation than other muscles.


The NXIVM sexual cult may not be for everyone. While some women may be interested in Raniere’s self-help teachings, others might be disgusted with the group’s treatment of women. In one case, a female recruit was made to wear a jockstrap during a workshop.

The cult’s leadership is made up of people with varying degrees of experience and knowledge. In some cases, members may be forced to participate in sex practices that are illegal or unethical. Those who join the NXIVM may find themselves at odds with their superiors. Regardless, this type of group can be dangerous.

The NXIVM sexual cult has been caught on film a few times. It was marketed as a self-improvement multi-level marketing company, but NXIVM members have described forced branding, brainwashing, and exploitation. Members of the cult have given confessionals on podcasts and in media appearances. There are also several documentary-style exposes. The NXIVM has also been prosecuted in federal court.

NXIVM members have been convicted of sex trafficking, racketeering, and forced labor. Many of the cult’s members have been sentenced to prison.