Women often struggle to recognize signs that a man is into them, but the best signs are in men’s actions and not their words. Some of the signs you can look for include: Anger microexpressions, Imitating your actions, and being ‘formulaic’ around you.

How to Recognize the Signs Hes Into You
How to Recognize the Signs Hes Into You

Anger microexpressions

Microexpressions are brief bursts of expressiveness that occur on the face. First mentioned in a 1966 report by Ernest Haggard and Kenneth Isaacs, micro expressions are the manifestation of hidden emotions. These expressions are triggered by our attempt to mask our true feelings.

Microexpressions can be used to tell if a person is in a situation where they feel angry. People who feel angry cannot think rationally, so they have trouble making decisions and negotiating. Understanding what to look for when a person shows anger will give you an edge during negotiations. You can also use microexpressions to detect evasiveness or false ploys.

Another indicator of anger is the intense appearance of the eyes. If a person has lowered eyebrows, their eyes are likely to reflect an intense state of rage. If their lips are tightly pursed, they may be angry.

Imitating your actions

When a man is attracted to you, he’ll imitate your body language and actions. This can be subtle and can also be very obvious. For example, he might mimic your smile or laugh. His body language also reflects his feelings and he’ll try to connect with you.

You might also notice that he mimics your speech patterns or volume. These are great indicators of his interest. However, you should be aware that these signals do not necessarily mean that he’s into you. Instead, they may be signals of respect and interest in you.

Not using his phone while with you

A man that isn’t on his phone while with you is a good sign he’s into you. Not only will this show that he’s interested in you, it also shows that he’s focused on you. He’ll look at you more often and try to maintain eye contact. These are subtle signs that he’s interested in you.

A guy who is into you will always put you first and won’t use his phone while with you. He’ll also try to connect with you by asking you questions about your day. He’ll also try to initiate a conversation, no matter what the topic is.

A guy who’s into you won’t waste his time with long texts or phone calls. He’ll also be more likely to respond to you quickly to social media posts, which will make you feel closer. He’ll also remember the details of your conversation with him, which means he’s really into you.