A girl with a boyfriend who likes you will likely show her interest in you through body language. She’ll probably lean into you during a conversation or try to touch you.

Signs a Girl With a Boyfriend Who Likes You
Signs a Girl With a Boyfriend Who Likes You

She’ll also talk about you with other people, such as her friends. She may even compare you to her boyfriend in a positive way.

1. She’s nervous around you

She might be nervous around you because she’s worried that her current boyfriend will find out that she likes you. She may fidget, bite her nails or put her hands in her pockets to show that she’s anxious.

She also may try to avoid touching you while talking, even though this is natural human behavior. But, if she leans in to touch you lightly or puts her arm around you, this is a major hint that she’s into you.

She might also talk about her own personal experiences to show that she likes you. If she shares details about her hobbies or passions, this is another sign that she’s interested in you. For example, she might tell you about her fandoms or a political cause that is important to her.

2. She’s always complimenting you

If she’s always mentioning your positive qualities, this is a good sign. This can include compliments on your appearance or your talents. She also might compliment you on social media posts, which is another way to show that she’s interested in you.

She may talk about how her boyfriend isn’t perfect and how she’s looking for “the one.” She might even compare you to him.

If she starts bringing you up in conversation when she’s with her friends or family, this is a huge hint that she likes you. This could be because she wants to spend time with you, or she’s flirting with you and trying to get her boyfriend jealous. She might even invite you to hang out with her, but only you and not anyone else.

3. She’s comparing you to her boyfriend

If she doesn’t have much competition when it comes to other pretty girls, then you may find that she compares you to her boyfriend in a not-so-subtle way. She is essentially trying to figure out whether you are her back up plan and if she’s going to be better off with you or her current guy.

Of course, you shouldn’t compare her to other guys because it sends the message that you are looking to steal her from her current boyfriend. It’s petty and doesn’t make you look very attractive to her. Instead, focus on being a great guy who makes her feel special when she’s with you. This is more likely to lead to a mutually satisfying relationship. Even if her current guy is really great.

4. She’s flirting with you

If she’s flirting with you, whether it’s complimenting your looks or making small talk to flatter you, it’s a sign that she’s interested in getting closer to you. Watch her body language and see if she’s subconsciously trying to appear more alluring by playing with her hair or adjusting her clothing.

Also, keep an eye on her texting habits. If she sends you texts with compliments or flirting/teasing, it’s a clear indication that she wants to get closer to you. In addition, she may try to discover common ground with you by discussing your shared interests or hobbies. She’ll often bring up these topics without mentioning her boyfriend, which is another surefire sign that she likes you.

5. She’s texting and chatting with you

Girls with boyfriends usually don’t go out of their way to text or chat with guys they like, so if she’s doing it with you, it could mean something. However, keep in mind that her quick responses and casual teasing might just be her way of being playful with her guy friends too.

If she’s complaining about her current boyfriend or even comparing you to him, that’s not a good sign. She doesn’t want to be the girl that breaks up her boyfriend’s relationship.

Try complimenting her or dropping hints about wanting more than just a friend. If she responds well, you might try giving her a light touch on the arm or shoulder while she talks to you. This is a great way to show her you’re interested without making her uncomfortable.