Phone dating is one step of the dating process, and one that can help get some amazing dates lined up for you. It takes more than just luck and being in the right place at the right time. Take the time to get to know people, their hobbies, and what they are looking for in the dating world. These are three things that increase the likelihood of moving from phone dates to in-person dates successfully.

Sucessful Dates Start With These Things
Sucessful Dates Start With These Things

Speaking of in person dates, take extra care to not come off as pressuring the other person into a date. If people feel pressured, they are less likely to accept an in-person date. If someone says they do not want to go on a date with you at this point, but maybe later, it means they need more time to connect with you or that they have a busy schedule. For people that need more time, be patient. Your patience may pay off later in the form of a lifelong relationship. If they are busy, ask them what a good time to ask again is. This will make a good impression and also help show that you are a good communicator.

In addition, keeping a positive attitude and focusing on the good things that are happening in life, even if they are just being on a phone dating service and being excited about it, is a good choice. Most people get pleasure out of other people’s happiness. Talk about some of the good things that are happening in your life, but make sure the other person has time to talk as well. By instilling good back and forth conversation, not interrupting, and allowing the other person to talk, you can make a stellar first impression on them. This first impression can get things off to the best possible start and lead to more fantastic dates.