There are blogs out there that teach people to be reserved with their feelings. Enthusiasm is a natural emotion that shines through in family events, at theme parks, and at so many other places around the world. It is the cause of laughter and smiles. Why would anyone want to hide that?

The Active Phone Dating Concept
The Active Phone Dating Concept

According to these other advice columns, it is because emotions can scare people away. This seems out of line. While being tactful in conversation, both in dates and regular life, is essential, the feelings people have are a large part of who they are. They can create an advantage in phone dating, and dating of all types. When you watch interviews, it is the people that have feelings and passion that attract. Advertisements show people with smiling faces at much higher rates than emotionless people. It’s hard to remember the last ad seen on TV with someone that did not show any emotions.

If you go on a date and are having a great time, let out a genuine laugh or smile if it comes and feels right. Let your phone date know, verbally, that you are enjoying the conversation you are having. If you like their thoughts on a TV show you both enjoy, feel free to express it. Use compliments and enthusiasm to your advantage. It is critical that you do these things without expectation though. Take your time to enjoy the people that you go on phone dates with.

Stay true to your feelings, if you aren’t feeling a phone date, be polite, but don’t fake your way through it. Everyone on a phone dating hotline has goals, and almost all of them want each person they meet to meet great connections and have great dates, even if it isn’t with them. Increase the Successful phone dates involve two main things that can actively work to improve both participants success rates. Can you guess what those are?

The answer is much less of a what, and much more of a who. The answer is both you and the person you are on the phone with. After taking a moment to think about what the ideal phone date would look like to you, take another moment to figure out how you can play an active role in making this date a reality. Doing those yourself can rub off on the other person pretty easily. Some of what people have expressed to us when given this very task, is listed below. Go ahead and take this list and expand on it, adding your own date desires into the mix.

1.    Get rid of external distractions when possible

With in-person dating, there are a lot of external distractions that are unavoidable depending on where you go. If your favorite restaurant, which you share with your date, happens to be a little noisy, you cannot mute all of the guests. It’s unfortunate but true. With phone dating, however, you can avoid noise distractions by planning a good time for your phone date and having a quiet place available to take or make the call.

2.    Pay attention

This is the reciprocal of what people have said they need, which is for their date to be attentive to them. Listen to what your date has to say and take it to heart before responding. Think about what you want to say before answering. Showing that you are wanting to get to know the other person is an integral part of moving from phone dates to in-person dates. When you get to the in-person dates, pay attention there as well.

3.    Ask questions often

Don’t overwhelm your phone date with questions, though, and give them time to ask you questions to create a natural conversational flow. Share stories and make statements that people can respond to as well. If 100% of your date is you asking questions, a second date may not be on the horizon. Balance within your conversations is necessary, just as balance in life is.

4.    Paraphrase and engage

People like to know that they are being listened to. By actively listening, you should be able to repeat back what they say (paraphrase) or how you understand what they said back to them on occasion. This is a fantastic way to stay engaged with them and let them know that the conversation you are having is important. Take an interest in their interests; it is one of the many doorways that can help lead a date on a phone dating hotline to a successful in-person date.

likelihood of success by enjoying the dating process as much as you can. Spread happiness in the world with a little enthusiasm and a lot of heart. Happy searching.