There are a few key questions you should ask on your dating app to keep the conversation flowing. These questions will help you get to know your match better and find out whether or not they’re a good fit for you.

Top 5 Questions to Ask on a Dating App
Top 5 Questions to Ask on a Dating App

For example, asking a question like “what’s your favorite movie?” can be a great way to break the ice and start a conversation.

1. What is your ideal date?

Girls want to feel like they are going on a great date. A great date is about thoughtfulness, romance, and effort.

Having fun together is key. It doesn’t have to be expensive, but it should be something that you both enjoy doing.

Research suggests that dates centered around novel activities promote greater closeness and relationship quality than those considered routine or pleasant.

2. What is your ideal day?

This question is a great way to find out what your potential match likes doing on their spare time. It gives you a good idea of their interests and helps to show them that you share them.

It’s a fun, personal question that can be as serious or silly as you like! It’s a great way to start off the conversation.

3. What is your ideal weekend?

Most people like to do something social, relaxing, or productive during the weekend. It’s best to decide what you want your ideal weekend to look like during the week, so that you can plan it accordingly.

For example, if you’re trying to finish some DIY jobs or clear out your garage, doing these things during the week can save your weekend for more fun stuff.

4. What is your ideal vacation?

You enjoy a hassle free vacation and prefer all inclusive resorts. You are a sports fanatic and love to see your favorite teams play.

You like a slow, uneventful drive to quiet accommodations by a peaceful lake. You enjoy the mixture of rustic with conventional conveniences and the soothing nature sounds. You are not a huge fan of crowds.

5. What is your ideal person?

Asking your date what their hobbies are can help you get to know them better. This question can also reveal what they value in a relationship.

Find out if they’re a homebody who likes to stay in or more adventurous/extroverted and loves spending time outdoors.

It’s always fun to have some silly questions in your arsenal – especially on a dating app! These questions can break the ice and get your match laughing.

6. What is your ideal job?

Describing your ideal job can be tricky. You want to be honest, but also show how your skills and interests align with the role you are interviewing for.

You don’t want to rave about a great collaborative environment in an interview for a lighthouse keeper, but you also don’t want to say your dream job is a desk job. That would make the interviewer squirm!

7. What is your ideal relationship?

The ideal relationship is one that embodies intimacy, passion and commitment. However, every relationship has its ups and downs.

Getting clear about what you want from your relationship will help you find the right partner. For example, if you’re looking for a casual fling, steer clear of apps that focus on finding long-term relationships. This will save you from wasting time with people who are not the right fit.

8. What is your ideal job?

Many people believe that the perfect job is one that makes them happy. However, there are many factors that make up a good job.

Hiring managers like to ask this question because it helps them see how a candidate will fit in the company and role. You should always try to answer this question in a way that is geared towards the position for which you’re interviewing.

9. What is your ideal person?

Before using dating apps, you should decide what kind of person you want to find. If you want to meet “the one”, apps that focus on casual flings are likely to disappoint you.

However, you should also remember that an ideal person is not perfect and will have some drawbacks. You should therefore be willing to accept these shortcomings. Otherwise, you will be disappointed again and again.

10. What is your ideal day?

Sometimes dialogues with girls on dating apps hit a dead end. But with these simple questions, you can revive them!

This is a fun question that allows your match to be creative and can also lead to a conversation about their interests, hobbies, etc.

It could reveal you both share a passion for yo-yoing or even that they’re a yo-yo champion!